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The world in which we work is continuously changing and improving. Realizing that success is achieved only by those who continue to move forward, "Donbas Ceramic bodies" LLC strives to achieve a leading position not only in the ceramic production market.
Like any other company, we are one of the cells of a modern progressive society. Developing, introducing new technologies, we create additional jobs!

Цікаві проекти від ділянки виготовлення щаблів та ваз ТОВ «КЕРАМІЧНІ МАСИ ДОНБАСУ»
Хочемо поділитися з вами досягненнями нашої ділянки виготовлення щаблів та ваз. Ми по-справжньому любимо свою справу та пишаємось нашими результатами!

The initiative and the main creative-organizational role of this event belong to the team of innovative pedagogues of the Malobelozersk aesthetic specialized boarding school "Dyvosvit".

The world in which we work is continuously changing and improving. Realizing that success is achieved only by those who continue to move forward, "Donbas Ceramic Bodies" LLC strive to achieve a leading position not only in the ceramic production market.