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The company is the founder and the main organizer of the regular international scientific and technical conference "The World of Ceramics without Borders" which unites ceramics of the countries of the former CIS, world suppliers of raw materials, materials, equipment and technologies and offers an incentive for industry development, sharing of experience and knowledge of world leaders in ceramic production as well as opens up new business opportunities for Ukrainian ceramics.
Also "Donbas Ceramic Bodies" LLC organizes and conducts Symposium of ceramic artists "Ukraine Soborna". The symposium is a creative project, which once again confirms that art does not know the boundaries and divisions.

«Donbas Ceramic Bodies» LLC sponsored the International creative open-air event «Dyvosvit-2017», which was taking place from June 16 to July 5, 2017, under the patriotic slogan « Tauride Lands – Artistic anthem».

In order to popularize the Scythian’s cultural heritage of Ukraine, the second ceramic symposium of fiery sculpture "Scythia Scythian and I» was held in Nikopol in June. Sculptors from Nikopol, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Kyiv and Slavyansk took part in it.